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Old 04-12-2007, 01:58 AM
Ticketyboo Ticketyboo is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: White Rock
Posts: 50
Ticketyboo is on a distinguished road
Default Bamboo Shark....

Does anyone have any experience with this type of fish? i got one yesterday and its a pretty little blighter, about 7 inches or so and i was advised by my LFS that they had it for 3 days and it had not eaten yet.

I took it home, drip aclimitised it and left the blue leds on...... this morning, it was a happy little bunny and was doing a marathon around the tank and ate some krill... however didnt eat that much, but at least its eating...

So my questions is, does anyone else have one? and if they do, what are you guys feeding them?
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