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Old 04-12-2007, 01:54 AM
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justinl justinl is offline
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justinl is on a distinguished road

depending on the price I would even be happy with a single full head. I did a little research on them (like any good aquarist should... im such an angel ) and here's what ive got so far:

their scientific name is duncanopsammia axifuga (aka duncans or whisker coral). they are photosynthetic (ie they have zoothanthellae) and therefore can survive well with just light but won't grow very fast. However, since chances are, we'll all be getting frags to grow, we'll want to grow them quickly. I know i do. so what's the trick? well there isn't a whole lot of info available but it seems that once you start feeding it meaty food (4-5 mysids twice a week) they explode in terms of growth.

they prefer lower light and low to moderate flow. luckily enough they are quite sticky for corals and thus are quite easy to feed.

to learn to frag and for some niiiice pictures of them scroll about a third of the way down this page....

hope that helped you guys out. these are rare corals, so i want you all to take good care of them. (... yes mum)
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