Originally Posted by andsoitgoes
Unfortunately it's down to metal on metal - and has been for a week or so. It's pretty rough - we thought it was a mechanical issue, but nein.
From here on out though I'm going to get the pads and do it regularly, I'm just concerned that we've already gone through one set within 42k - seems a bit off, but it might just be my experience, who knows. Back breaks are at 70% still
I think I'm going to just have Toyota do the works and toss in a clean/reseat of the rear brakes, 305 for everything and then I have the security. I'd be more akin to DIY if my girls weren't involved - but since they are, that is where my concern lies...
Well, if it's that bad, $300 for Toyota to do it is a good deal. Once you let it get metal on metal, you can run into allot more problems. Most brake pads come with squeelers(if thats the right word) build in the pad to warn you that your brakes are done. As soon as you hear them squeel, have a look to see if there is any meat on the pads. Sometimes a pebble or some grit gets in there and makes some noise, so a quick inspection will tell you if they're worn out or not. And it's totally normal for you're rear brakes to outlast you fronts.