I belive that the shipping of live "freshwater" mysid shrimp is banned in Canada due to exotic introduction into local lakes and the corresponding problems that has caused.... I belive you can get Marine mysid shrimp shipped live but I dont know off hand who is doing it at this time. I remember there being a guy on the praries doing it, MB. I think, try googleing it. I really dont see the need for "live" mysis personally, with flash frozen freshwater mysis having a better nutritional profile and being readily available and enticing to the most finicky fish....seahorses included....
If you have a fish that wont eat... dig up my old thread about force feeding

Online suppliers of Mysid Cultures:
Aquatic Research Organisms
Mark Rosenqvist
Chesapeake Cultures
Elizabeth Wilkens
C-K Aquaculture
Aquatic Indicators
Ray Less
(Commercial accounts only)