Originally Posted by AndyL
(ACL / MCL are fully torn - if that matters)
I think you mean torn badly.... unless you cant walk at all, and your leg flops around from side to side like a fish outa water. My left knee has been reconstructed 3 times, fully torn ACL, badly torn MCL, with huge cartildge removal. There is no orthoscopy with fully torn legiments, as the limb is useless! My right knee is different, badly torn miniscual pads, and unrepairable inner joint wear(need a full knee replacement already, gona hold out till I cant walk, or when Im 45+) The right one they did a scope to remove cartlidge... What type of surgery you will have depends on joint stability(if your ACL/MCL are fully torn then you have no joint stability and will be goin for the full meal deal)and MRI results.
Best of Luck!
Knee surgery sucks the big one!