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Old 04-10-2007, 08:57 PM
kaboom kaboom is offline
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Default salt poll

IMO, there are way too many choices to choose from and all it does is add to the confusion. I like to stick to 4 basic, yet important criterias when choosing a salt brand.

1. cal,alk,meg levels
2. consistantancy
3. price
4. availability

1 - not that important as most are in managable range of 360 - 400ppm +, levels can easily and cheaply be modified with Ca reactor or additives, so I have no worries here
2 - I believe this is the most important criteria, whether it's lacking or not of any substances, it must be consistant from one bucket to the next. Most brands are pretty good most of the time. Brands like Tropic Marin wins here.
3 - There has to be a reason why some brands stick out as been the cheapest or most expensive. Lacking or too much of an ingredient(s) or processing precedure. I really don't know why OceanPure and TropicMarin prices are so different.
4 - has to be available upon request, shouldn't have to pre-order or pay extras for bringing it in.

So by following these step, I've made it easier for me to determine which is the most economical, most often available, and doesn't require alot of adjustment. Here's an example:

I run a large calcium reactor which takes care of the 3 levels in criteria #1.
I test every new batch of salt water that I make before adding to the tank, so if it's low on something I just use additives to boost it first and leave the rest to the Ca reactor. I don't use the expensive salt that are $60+ per/bucket because I don't need to, it's pointless. My brand of choice has been InstantOcean because it's cheap, readily available, has been consistant for me in the past 5 years. There are few brands in the same price range, but none that have been around for as long, so I go with what works. I am currently testing the new AquamedicReefSalt, it's readily available and is in the same price range as IO with higher levels of Ca, Alk, Meg.
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