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Old 04-10-2007, 01:58 AM
IJC IJC is offline
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: Vancouver
Posts: 41
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Default Sprung a leak...

... an extremely slow one thank god. I've recently been getting a small amount of salt creep coming from the trim at the base of my front glass panel. By small, I mean it grows by no more than 1mm per day.

I can see were the silicone has peeled away from the glass a little, and I suspect that is the source of the leak. I've checked to make sure there is no water dripping down the glass at any point around the tank (I've had that scare in the past), and it's not that.

I have a couple questions for the group:

1. Anyone had a similar problem? It's slow enough that it might never develop into a real problem (not really that comfortable with this tho).

2. Any way to fix this without removing everything and drying the tank out? I've got all the usual critters, including fish, a clam, hard and soft corals, and a magnifica, which I don't really want to subject to a long period of life in a rubbermaid bin.

3. Anyone know how much an 18x18x36 corner-drilled tank runs these days?

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