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Old 04-09-2007, 11:13 PM
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Thing that has me confused is that 89 degrees, while warm, shouldn't be bad, unless it was a sudden swing. I'd be more concerned about a sudden change. Can you run a fan on the water surface? Evaporation will help cool the water.

What is 89 degrees ... about 31 degrees C? 32 maybe? I'm sure I've had my tank warmer than that in the heat of July in the days before I had A/C and I never saw rapid breathing of the fish, so I'm not sure if it's the temperature that's freaking them out here... Sounds like they're in distress though.. Is there anything that could be affecting O2 in the tank?

I'm not sure what to suggest other than lights-out and maybe a water change or something and the fan on the water surface.. Good luck.
-- Tony
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