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Old 04-09-2007, 10:35 PM
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christyf5 christyf5 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2001
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Moved the tank to its new home last weekend. Its directly across from a window (as you can see ) so I guess I'll have to take photos on crappy weather days or at night.

Got rid of a few things, as per usual any re-aquascaping done by me reduces real estate

Alot of the corals lost color in the time after the move, I'm not really sure what this is due to ie. temp, lack of calcium reactor online etc. I just got the ozone set properly and the calcium reactor running this weekend so things shoudl perk up. One thing I did not envision "requiring" so soon was my chiller, apparently the room I have it in must have zero airflow and the tank was up to 82 degrees before I knew it and the room was a total sweatbox. Got the chiller running and the tank is a steady 78. Now to deal with the room temperature!!

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