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Old 04-07-2007, 05:38 PM
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Default Power down for 9 hours, help?

Okay - so we lost power for about 9 hours thanks to a horrid MVA (stupid drivers...) and I think we may have some issues in our 45g reef tank...

We have a pygmy angel that we got from Raf a few months back, and out of all the fish he seems to be doing the worst. He's currently laying on his side ON the sand laying on his side panting. The temp dropped quite a bit in that tank (down to 73.6 F) and there was no water flow the entire time. he was jumping all night long basically TRYING to get out of the tank, my wife saw him hopping earlier today

The power just went back on and the wife noticed the state of our tanks, and everyone is panting heavily in the display of our 45g. I'm going to do a water change tonight, but does anyone have any ideas as to what I can keep an eye on (well, the wife - as I'm at work until 5pm today)

Of course, my nano is kosher with no problems and no causalities, figures.

Thanks in advance.

Last edited by andsoitgoes; 04-07-2007 at 05:42 PM.
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