Originally Posted by Ruth
I have never seen anyone from Quesnel on this board. There are a couple of people in Prince George and at least one in Williams Lake. The last time I was in Prince George there were a couple of stores that carried very limited salt stuff - a Petcetera and Norwolf Pet supplies.
I grew up in PG but it is beautiful around Quesnel - tons of lakes for fishing or just to enjoy and lots and lots of outdoor activities. I used to go to Barkerville at least once a year just because I think it is so cool there. I did the canoe trip around the Bowron Lakes years and years ago before it was so crowded but I still think this is an amazing journey. Wells is pretty neat too - kind of like a mini Nelson BC where it got stuck in the 60's and never moved on.
Don't be too concerned with the whole "there's no hope beyond Hope" you will hear from the majority of the Wet coasters  Life in the north is great!
Thanks for the info. I was wondering what P. George had to offer in the way of saltwater stuff, this is why I am taking all my stuff with me. I suppose J&L will be the next best place to purchase goodies, it's only a 8 hr drive!! LOL
We are really looking forward to moving there. It is, as you say a beautiful area with lots of outdoor activities and I have always been a big fan of old, forgotten towns. They have so much character.
We're not too concerned about the "no hope beyond hope" saying, I am sure everything will be just awesome in the North! We're counting on it LOL
Thanks again for the info