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Old 04-04-2007, 04:22 PM
IADEM IADEM is offline
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Location: Edmonton, AB
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IADEM is on a distinguished road
Talking 3 free samples

Originally Posted by dirtyreefer View Post
LOL, "it won't". There's some good science behind that explanation
The more serious charge leveled against aluminum based phosphate removers is that they shed traces of aluminum into the aquarium which can build up to toxic levels and poison the fish and corals. This is nonsense because Aluminum oxide is reactive to phosphate and silicates but not much else and is inert once it adsorbs as much phosphate and silicate as it can. Second, we buy very high grade aluminum oxide for our phosphate remover and it is virtually dust free.

Sorry about the ante-diluvian website I promise that when we have some extra time we will fix it up! We are located in the North End of Edmonton and we do have a brick and mortar warehouse and manufacturing plant but there is no showroom and that is why we are not set up for walk in visits. Customers are more than welcome to visit us by appointment if they feel safer as to where and who they are dealing with specially if they are making a large purchase.

We will give away 3 FREE bottles of phosphate remover samples to the first 3 people to email us, your choice of 5.8oz to treat 80G or 11.6oz to treat 165G. (1 per customer only). Hoping to gain your trust and try our product and also hoping that your feedback on it is 100% possitive.

A Division of IADEM Pet Products Inc.

Custom and Standard Aquarium tanks any shape and size up to 13,000 Gallons with a Lifetime Warranty, fresh & saltwater livestock, services and supplies.

Palisades Shopping Centre
12909 - 140th Ave
(located by Safeway at the intersection of 137th Ave and 127th street)
Mon-Friday 12:30pm to 7:00pm
Saturdays 10:00am to 4:00pm