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Old 04-03-2007, 04:29 AM
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fishytime fishytime is offline
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Default Fishytimes 20g pics

Hi everyone. I'm new to canreef (been on a couple other site for awhile). Would like to thank zylumn, and sandyd for turning me on to canreef. Great site. Was just wanting to fish around for comments, suggestions or critiques.Heres what I'm playing with.
standard 20g
2- Hagen "glo" 2x24w T5 HO lights
AquaC Remora skimmer/ maxi-jet 1200 pump
Ac 70 filter (prob soon to be fuge)
2 koralia 1s and AC 10 PHs
Jager 100w heater
23ish lbs mixed fiji, haitian LR
10 lbs (about 1/2 to 1 inch) aragonite sand


1 ocellaris clown
1 six line wrasse
1 royal gramma

zebra hermits
blue knuckled hermit
scarlet hermit
halloween hermit
emerald crab
cleaner shrimp
hawian feather duster
4 astrea snails
1 trochus snails
2 bumblebee snails

blue( I think) xenia
pink palys
green palys
red palys
green "wagonwheel" shrooms and orange/orange zoas
blueberry zoas
brown/orange zoas
brown/green zoas
red/orange zoa
green zoas
green/red/purple zoas
green/pink zoas
green/gray/pink zoas
green hairy shroom
green fuzzy shroom
orange rhodactis shroom
"watermellon" shroom
purple shrooms
purple striped shroom
"super mario" shroom(red with blue dots)
red hairy shroom
yellow polyps
candy cane
green digitata
orange digitata
purple digitata
blue polyped birdsnest
hydnophora rigata
green ricordia yuma
green ricordia florida
purple ricordia florida
orange ricodia florida
red/green favia

and the fts

Thanks for lookin.

Last edited by fishytime; 08-13-2007 at 05:42 AM.
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