Originally Posted by Fish
Gary, I've heard your account before and have never been surprised at the little plastic breeder box or betta bowl breaking. If the crack in the sump was actually caused by the mantis, how thick was the sump glass. The mason jar couldn't have been much thicker than 1mm - even I wouldn't feel comfortable with a mantis with glass that thin  - Especially such a confined space, for so long that that mantis would actually have a reason to try and get out.
Regardless of what the thickness of any of the materials where that the mantis managed to break, the point of my post was that they are cappable of it.
Others have said that they have heard that this happens, but have seen no proof of it.
I'm also not saying that his mantis will have the urge to whack the glass, but keep in mind that it's not the force of a projectile that always decides if the glass will break, but rather how and where the force is placed.
For example:
You might be able to throw a baseball at a pane of glass over and over again and not have it break, but one small pop from this

could make it shatter the first time.(And will shatter it the first time if it's tempered glass.)
If I was to place a bet, I'd put my money on the mantis hit being more similar to a small centre punch as apposed to a baseball.
Just my opinion though.