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Old 03-31-2007, 08:36 PM
rudy rudy is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: calgary, ab
Posts: 184
rudy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by justinl View Post
is the 55 acrylic or very thick glass (like half an inch)? with a mantis that gets as big as Dr. Roy says yours will, I would be a very nervous man with a 55g glass tank.

If he breaks the glass he will be even more rare as I have never heard of one actually succeed at this.

I have heard the mantis break the glass story so many times yet nobody has actually had one do it. I personally don't believe it, but I may eat my words one day.

If Stinky keeps his in a 50 gallon glass and it is o.k. I think anything is. His is a beast!
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