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Old 03-31-2007, 05:48 PM
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Beverly Beverly is offline
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: North Edmonton
Posts: 3,560
Beverly is on a distinguished road

Man alive, when you put it that way, you almost convinced me to quit the hobby too
Tony, that was not my intention

I look forward to seeing your new videos.
Jim, they'll be awhile in coming. Am still waiting for stuff from OZ, Singapore, the US and the UK. But you guys will be some of the first to see them

Thanks for sharing all your experiences with us for so many years.
Thanks, Anthony

Bev, from someone who you gave indirect inspiration to, someone who was the pinnacle decision to me starting a tank, you WILL be missed.
andsoitgoes, Wow! I never thought I had much sway around here with all the hi-tech tanks people have going. Your kind words touch me deeply.

Anyway, I do have a buyer for the tank, but he's a newbie. I'll offer him as much advice as I can to get him started and to keep him going.

The tank is scheduled to be picked up on Good Friday. Man, it's going to be a joy cleaning that spot where the tank used to be for so long The new owner is going to give us a deposit today, and we're going to load him up with all the stuff that can be transported before the tank setup and livestock go.

The finches and their aviary are also spoken for. The new owner has been a friend for over 25 years (!!!) and she has a reasonable amount of experience having kept finches for at least 4 years. She and her husband are going to Turkey until the end of May, so in early June our finches will be at their new home.

Don't know how we're going to utilize all the new space, but I'm sure we'll manage somehow

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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