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Old 03-31-2007, 02:49 AM
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Originally Posted by FishFun View Post
I used a cheaper salt as well, & added & buffered etc then got sick of it. I got a bag of the good stuff used it & liked the results. Now I buy the $80 bucket & will never look back. Corals & much happyer as well, I did notice the differance. I found I added so much trace elements all the time that is was not much more to buy the salt with the additives allready in it, plus you don't have to add it anymore . Nothing wrong with the other stuff its great salt I just like a more stable tank without additives & such. I was always adding mag could hardly keep it a 1200, with the new salt its over 1500 calc is always 440+ etc etc etc.
Just my 2 cents
okay - so I must ask, what is it that you're buying??
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