Yes we are very lucky out here on the Wet coast. Our water is very soft because we don't use well water except for a few homes and our water is all rainwater collected and stored in reservoirs (spell check).
When I bred Discus a friend of mine in Vancouver sent Mike Wells a well known discus breeder a sample of our water. He informed her our water was to soft to sustain life, for discus he recommended adding R/O Right, just a small amount but yep she had to add to the water.
The one thing we need to be concerned about in regards to our water is what is being added, chloramines, flouride etc... Over one summer I found our pH swinging from 6.8 to 5ish to almost 7 and then all over the place again. Because we have no buffering capacity in our water a bit of rain can make some dramatic changes in pH etc...
I agree a DI filter fits our needs perfectly, API Tap Water Purifier is my filter of choice.