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Old 03-30-2007, 03:26 PM
Rikotek Rikotek is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Alaska
Posts: 13
Rikotek is on a distinguished road
Default Picture Update!

So last night was a big day, I bought a Remora HOB protien skimmer (it just barely fits behind my tank, damn me and my poor planning). I rinsed it with hot water to reduce the break in period and already it is generating a bit of foam and a tad bit of tea colored water.

Figured this called for a photo update. I swear that one day I will buy a camera to replace my broken one, but for now, its cell phone pictures :|

Haven't done a livestock update post yet, so here is whats in the tank. I don't plan on adding much else for a little while. I am going to let the tank age (and my wallet replenish) for a bit.

4 Clowns
10 Turbo Snails
10 Hermit Crabs
1 Zoo Frag

I put a sofa near the tank and it has become my favorite reading area in the house. I find the sound of the water to be very relaxing and I can just stare into the tank for hours. I can only imagine the effect it will have when it is fully matured with lots of healthy fish and corals
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