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Old 03-27-2007, 02:39 AM
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Beverly Beverly is offline
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Default Thinking of a Lifestyle Change

We've been keeping finches and reefs for about ten years. Chris and I talked about the possibility of selling our 120g reef and all related equipment (tons of stuff!!!) as well as our aviary and finches. We think that we could use the change to our lives, to give us more free time and to not have to feed anyone but ourselves daily.

Don't get me wrong, though. We have thoroughly enjoyed these past ten years with our unusual pets. Our reef is doing very well now that I have gotten the chemistry thing into my head. Some corals have been with us for four years and their growth has been phenomenal. Our GBTA and RBTA live in harmony in the same rock structure and it's a joy to watch our pair of ocellaris clowns swim back and forth between the two.

As for our finches, well, we have a custom made walk-in aviary that currently houses seven finches of various species, mainly African waxbills. They sing frequently, and I'm sure we'll miss their songs, but I'm also sure someone will step up to give them a good home, if that is the direction we finally choose.

I have not posted our 120g in the FS section yet, mostly because there too many items, like 10 pails of salt, new MH and PC bulbs, lots of small tanks, heaters and powerheads. We would want the entire tank, stand, lighting and livestock to go in one piece, along with all the extra kibbles and bits.

Anyway, we have not fully decided on our course of action yet, but we seem to be leaning toward making the change.

Beverly's 10g Nano YouTube Channel
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