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Old 03-20-2007, 09:33 PM
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justinl justinl is offline
Join Date: Dec 2006
Location: Vancouver, BC
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Its good to see someone who really does a LOT of reseaerch before taking the jump. Too many noobs just jump in without even knowing what a copepod is.

Actually I have somewhat to retract my comment about triggers. There are a few triggers that are peaceful. For example you may want to take a look at a pinktail trigger if you still want a triiger. Personally I would go with a single puffer (larger than the eels head of course) for a while to see if the eel is going to eat it or not. Only have one fish at the start or else you might be wasting money on a very expensive dragon snack

Good choice to start out with a good skimmer although I don't see the need to use ozone. I don't think I ever will although some would swear by it. anyone else want to input on this?

you realize you are obligated to start your own tank journal thread once you have this tank up and running right?
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