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Old 03-20-2007, 08:20 PM
ktrigger ktrigger is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: calgary
Posts: 14
ktrigger is on a distinguished road

Thanks for your insight justinl. I do have the finances but lack the experience. I have heard this eel was hardy so i wanted to do everything i could to make it the best home possible. I will be buying a 240g long (96x24x24) or a 300 (96x30x25). With a Euro-Reef RC250 or RC500 Skimmer with an ozonizer as well. Lots of water movement and about 3" live sand bed with about 250-300lbs of live rock. Just have to learn how to properly reinforce the rock work with the pvc.
This is a process and I am doing all the research i can before i get started. I hope to be up and running by summertime but if not, the following summer for sure.
I have a job that takes me all over the place. Once I am settled in the hopefully near future, this is what i will set up.
I had planned on puting the hawaiian dragon eel with a clown trigger and an emperor angel. after your comments i may have to rethink tank mates.
Thank you once again for your help.
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