Hey, now im truly a superhero (or supernerd) ..i have my own avatar.
Colin, i would guess 50% an average, with adequate air movement no mold or mildew should happen.
This is hard to achieve sometimes with our climate, as were limited to outside humidity. But if some new air is pulled from inside the house it can be dropped somewhat lower than the outside.
Hawk, it works better than i had hoped....but there are some downfalls aswell.
Moving it out of the way can be a PITA sometimes...but hardly a reason for not doing it.
I also didnt like that when i did move it i had no good light to view the tank...so i put up a couple extra reflectors and some old bulbs, so when its moved i just plug them in an existing ballast.
Thank you Ruth, when you visit ill be sure to wear it. :P
The reactor (Ca++)......Small Deltec Kalk reactor/stirrer mod to follow.
The original reactor was built on the k2r design, with a few changes that i wanted to see.
Saving time again, ill just show the finished product...
Changed a couple minor things...added a Mazzei effluent valve
All in all, it worked fine....but in the end wasnt really happy with the design, i now realize i dont like downflow style.
Aswell, it pumped out too much P04 for my liking.
So i ended up buying a bigger reactor, so i could also get some p04 remover in there aswell as some Mg supplement in there.