Ive always wanted one too... now if only i had the dough to get one.
Same general requirements as other eels. This guy is expensive and rare so Im going to assume you have some experience (despite it being very hardy) and cash too. It will need 100gal minimum and a tight lid that fastens down (Im sure the eel is strong enough to push off a pane of glass). Id suggest a mesh lid that clamps down on the tank. No spaces big enough for him to slither through.
It is more aggressive than most eels so no hand feedings... in fact I wouldn't put my hands in at all. You can take a chance with other fish, but I wouldn't do any overly aggressive fish like a trigger just because you'd probably see your muy expensive eel less. Make sure the fish are considerably larger than the eel's mouth.
Needs a sturdy rock formation (you'd probably want to reinforce the structure with a pvc frame or something).