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Old 03-19-2007, 02:41 PM
BCOrchidGuy BCOrchidGuy is offline
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Coquitlam, BC
Posts: 2,172
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As has already been said, it really depends on what kind of SPS you want to keep. Some have extremely high light demands, while others have a lower light demand. Are you looking at shallow water species or deep water species. Most SPS like lots and lots of water flow, Tunze are nice (I hear) Seio's are affordable and work well but they don't do well on wave makers, Seio does have it's own controller out now though so maybe they will work better on those. You may want to consider a homemade canopy with 4 foot long fluorescents that overlap at the center of the tank, IE put 4 fluorescents in the canopy, with each one in the outside corner of the canopy, that way they'll overlap the center and give you full coverage. On top of that 3 MH's of 250watts each would be nice, but two 250s about a food away from each end and a 400watt in the middle would be very nice. 250 watt HQI's are very nice lights and provide lots of light.

As far as water movement, the old saying of 10x your tank volume is just plain inadequate. Most people have 30x or more their tank volume for flow. Myself I have nearly 2600 GPH of flow on a 60 gallon cube, my Xenia, my mushrooms, my BTA all tolerate it just fine.


Last edited by BCOrchidGuy; 03-19-2007 at 02:45 PM.
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