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Old 03-18-2007, 02:03 AM
afreshoutlook afreshoutlook is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: South Surrey
Posts: 46
afreshoutlook is on a distinguished road
Default 72 gal. Oceanic Bow Front F.S. in North Van.

Due to a heavy work schedule & traveling, currently up & running, I need to sell my complete system.
Comes with black stand & canopy, Corallife 46" PC lighting,HOB aquaclear 500 refugium with light. HOB 8 watt UV sterlizer, HOB over-flo with Rio 2500 pump, Jaquer 200 watt heater, 801 P/H + 401 P/H + fluval filter, 20 gal sump with 4 filter bags, Corallife220 gal super skimmer,, med. Mag-float glass cleaner, 80+ lbs. of indonesian rock, 3/4 bucket of Instant ocean salt, Hagen Master test kit,Instant ocean Hydrometer, 2 water/gravel cleaners, + extra 65 watt 21" compact light & Rio 2500 pump + lots of extra stuff to make it all complete.
Fish: Moorish Idol, 6 line wrasse, Racoon Butterflyfish, Foxface Rabbitfish, Royal Dottyback, Pajama Cardinalfish.
Starting off New: $3200.00 ++ ASKING $2,000, PREFER NOT TO PART OUT.


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