@honkey sauce:
"all switchable sockets dont work.sorry but its true"
I am sorry - i can't believe that. We have several thousands of non-digital powerbars in operation, there are no problems. The only known issue is the problem with very high inrush currents with MH or other ballasts, this problem is solved with the new digital powerbars, they include inrush current limiters.
Could you please explain detailled what you mean with "all switchable sockets dont work"? For what purposes do you want to use them (heater, pumps, ...)? Where did you connect the bar? Did you program the functions and powerbar properly? And so on...
On the ProfiLux:
Under EXTRAS->Sprache (=Language). ->initial language is German, so you will see "Sprache" and not "Language".
In the PC-software: Page "General"