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Old 03-14-2007, 04:21 AM
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Palster Palster is offline
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Kelowna B.C.
Posts: 156
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One thing I found after many months of struggling to get my protein skimmer to work properly is how important it is to have a constant water level in the sump around the skimmer. My old sump did not have baffles in it so I would often (mistakingly) let the water level drop a fair bit before topping off the sump. I have since installed a sump that has baffles in it to allow the water level around the skimmer to remain constant and my skimmers performance has improved very dramatically. Now I just need to install an auto top off. I know a lot of people have baffles in their sump to keep the water level constant around the protein skimmer but I thought I would offer this suggestion for those that don't and are having problems with their protein skimmer.
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