Selling Livestock Clowns and Picasso Trigger (Edmonton)
Looking to sell or trade two clown fish and 1 picasso trigger.SOLD
20$ each for the clowns
(they are pretty big around 3 inches, i would like to sell them together. They host really well in my gbta which i hear i sometimes rare for false percs.)
1 large picasso trigger 4-5 inches (40$)
Hes really heathy and not agressive to my smaller fish.
Will trade all three fish for a flame angel or taking other offers.
two false perculas, 50lbs live rock, 65 watt power compacts, 175 watt MH, a sea urchine, a flame angel, a choclate chip sea star, a yellow tailed damsel, a boxer crab, and a conch.
Last edited by Cam; 03-14-2007 at 01:24 AM.