I was thinking it was more like "Battle of Helms Deep" but for the entire movie, maybe with about 5 minutes tacked onto the beginning to give some preamble. "Ok blah blah blah, here are the Spartans, blah blah blah gratuitous boob shot or two, blah blah blah. Ok, now go fight the invading Persian hoardes! 300 people versus several hundred thousand, blah blah blah, zing zang clang clatter boom crash, everybody dies, gratuitous touching scene involving son of king, blah blah blah the end."
Maybe with a few good visuals thrown in for good measure. Blah blah blah elephants, blah blah giant rhino, a few weird looking mutants and some more concubines. Whee!
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but I just sorta ... it wasn't the "best" movie I've ever seen and well, I guess I can say it's the "best movie I've seen in the theatre this year" because, well, .. it's the only movie I've seen in the theatre this year!