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Old 03-08-2007, 10:52 PM
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Mike Olson Mike Olson is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Abbotsford
Posts: 186
Mike Olson is on a distinguished road
Default Majestic Angel*****UPDATED*****

I finally got a beautiful Majestic Angel! I am hoping heis stillaround tomorrow because my powder blue has been swimming circles around him, bumping into him...and now has the Majestic cowering under the rockwork! The powder blue is smaller, but wont leave the Majestic even goes and rubs up against it in the rock work...not leaving the Majestics side. I hope they work it out because catching either wil be an adventure unto itself! Ill post a pic if the Majestic ever comes out! I have three tangs and the Hippo and Naso dont seem bothered. I am surprised at how territorial and obsessive the Powder is.
180g tank(6x2x2) w/170lbs LR, 2-250W 1-400W Halides, 2-3ft t5 Actinics,H&S 1260 200 Skimmer, 1-Tunze 6000stream w/controller, 1-6060stream, 70g sump, 30g refugium Neptune controller, Sequence Hammerhead inline return, Lifeguard 25W UV, 1-Tunze osmolator, 1-Tunze wavebox, 1/4Hp Pacific Coast chiller, MarineTech calcium reactor

Last edited by Mike Olson; 03-27-2007 at 03:55 AM.
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