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Old 03-05-2007, 08:37 PM
Posts: n/a

I am just moving about 30 to 55 minutes closer to work (takes me about an hour). Maybe downtown Vancouver, North Burnaby, Port Moody. All nice places, but the equity in my current townhouse translates to a one or two bedroom apartment elsewhere. I haven't set any plans yet when exactly I am moving; depends on the housing market. Only the lovely people here on CanReef would consider a 260 gallon saltwater system built into the wall of their living room a 'feature' in a prospective house . That's why I uninstalled everything out and I have sold it off. Before I leave I have to sell off all my really cool tools too (table saw, mortiser, shaper, etc), but that's for another bulletin board.

I am not getting out of the hobby, I am just going towards the nano end of the spectrum with an 18 or 20" cube tank on a tall pedestal with PFO LED lighting. Something like Fish's nanocube tank but with a sump. Anything else will be too big. My potential new apartment still has to accomodate all my tech diving gear to (spare bedroom/ den = equipment locker).

Originally Posted by Cameron View Post
WHere are you moving to?

Let me ask the wife....
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