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Old 03-03-2007, 04:29 PM
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Default All Livestock FS: Rock, Fish & Coral (Calgary) *parting out*

Simply gauging interest right now. IF there is enough interest, I will part things out.. but as of now , I'm looking to sell this in one shot if at all possible. Here's what I have:

Live Rock: (has bits of pest algae, such as: bubble and hair algae.. nothing serious, can be dealt with easily in a mature system no problem)
About 45+ lbs of Live Rock (fiji, jakarta) Looking to get 120$ or so for all the rock, including one med. size hawaiian feather duster, and I'll even give you a free watchman goby if you take the rock. Need all this gone ASAP . TAKE ALL THE ROCK AND GET A FREE WATCHMAN GOBY + FEATHER DUSTER.

One true percula clownfish, one false tank-raised percula. (paired up) PENDING
One yellow watchman goby (Buy all or most of the live rock, and he's yours for free) 10$
One bi-colour blenny PENDING

Corals.. I have a few frags, colonies, clam, inverts...

I have about 8 premium mini colony/frag zoanthids/paly's, all acquired from Frag Factory or Patwa. All are various colours, pinks, blue/green, greens, pastell colours , etc... *NOTE* Most zoo frags have small amounts of pest algae, and with a tank that's doing well, this algae won't last long. Just want to give the heads up.

*New* Medium sized Paly rock. Very neat metallic greens , real nice colony. 30$ PENDING

One med. size rock with 6 vibrant green yuma, this thing is really taking off now. $40

One Large Hammer coral colony. My favourite piece ... nice and big. Looking for 50$.

Inverts: (PENDING)
One *SMALL* GBTA w/ purple tips.
One *MEDIUM* RBTA w/ purple/pink tips.


One *MEDIUM* sized Electric blue Crocea clam. 50$. Here's a pic:

*NEW* One Orange Fromia Starfish. 10$.

One *LARGE* Birdsnest colony. Colour is tan, with green and various other hues in it.
Two *MEDIUM* sized lime acro frags. Stunning, vibrant lime colours.
One *Small* growing Monitpora Danae (pokerstar) from Frag Factory. Myfavourite SPS piece

One mini colony of white pom pom xenia. 15$

OR.. make me an offer on all the rock and remaining coral.. I really need the rock gone before I can start taking fish out. I'll take 120 for all the rock + a free yellow watchman. Just a thought.

Thanks for looking.
20g BB Mixed Reef // Coralife 150w HQI // AquaC Nano // Koralia 1 & Seio 820 // Jager 200w // AC50

Last edited by OCDP; 03-05-2007 at 02:37 PM. Reason: added pokerstar danae, and med. size green/purple paly rock.
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