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Old 02-26-2007, 02:52 AM
Deathstar Deathstar is offline
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Calgary
Posts: 95
Deathstar is on a distinguished road
Default Clam, Corals and a few other things FS (Calgary)

I have a few more things add and I have updated the prices.

I have left,

1. One 3 1/2" it is a Blue Tridacna Crocea Clam $50.
2. Neon Trumpet or Candy cane Frag it has 7 heads $10.
3. large Pepermint shrimp $10. - Sale Pending
4. Kenya Tree frag $10.
5.candy cane frags a few diffrent colors frags $10 each. (I have 7)
6. Pumping Xenia frags $10 each (I have 3)
7. Mushrooms blue,Green Furry Prices very depending on the frag.
8. Very small green BTA (split from my other one) $20.
9. Yellow polyps frags $15 each (I have 3).
10. big Frogspawn frag (3 heads) $30.
11. Red/Green Blasto Frag (7 polyps) $30
12. Bright Green Star Polyps Frags $10 each (I have 4).

(Calgary Only)

Please PM me if you have any questions,



Last edited by Deathstar; 03-08-2007 at 04:42 PM. Reason: Updated
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