Thread: red bugs
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Old 02-25-2007, 04:11 AM
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I did the Interceptor whole tank treatment based on the post being three whole take treatments one week apart. Worked well for me, finished it last Nov and no sign of them since.

I took out my cleaner shrimp and hermits for the duration and place in a QT. Was able to see a few pods after the treatment but then never had a whole lot since adding the 6 line.

I did start getting a cyano outbreak toward the end of Dec that I can't figure out. Tank had been up for ~10 month, feeding the same, testing 0 NO3, etc, thankfully it's just about over now since adding macro. I'm not sure if related but have read a post somewhere where another reefer had a cyano outbreak after Interceptor.

There is another protcol where you just dip the corals . I found it after starting the whole tank method so didn't try.

As for Interceptor I was able to get the last fr Lando (thanks again) but would suggest asking a vet. Don't know your water volume but do have 1/2 tablet left if you want.

Last edited by mark; 02-25-2007 at 04:15 AM.
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