Thread: I'm close
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Old 02-23-2007, 04:53 PM
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Chad Chad is offline
Join Date: May 2003
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Chad is on a distinguished road

The past 8 months have been hell for my tank as well.. a mysterious die off of my sps. Not even RTN, just a fast colour loss and then eventual death. Luckily all my caps have recovered, almost to pre-die off stage. I had a huge algae problem I finaly got under control with my Rabbitfish.. god I love him .... now I have the small valonia.. which I grabbed some Emerald crabs for.. I tried them out in a small tank with a huge chunk of valonia and they went crazy for it, so I hope they work ... Otherwise, things are finally starting to get back to normal.

With going to school full time and work, its been tough to keep the tank maintenance, I basicly set a timer for 1 hr and just power through water changes etc..

Good luck

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