Thread: I'm close
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Old 02-23-2007, 01:55 PM
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Beverly Beverly is offline
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Glad to hear you're hanging in there Deb

In the four years we've lived in our condo, we've pretty much had three tanks of various sizes going. Last summer, when we decided we were spending too much time on them, we downsized to only one tank. It was a hard decision to make, but we're happier with just the one. Husband helps significantly every Saturday morning during tank maintenance. I couldn't do the job without him.

Originally Posted by Matt View Post
Bev: Sounds like you've got a diatom issue (the brown slime). Good luck! If you're rearranging (removing and replacing) rock that often, is it possible you've given your wrasse a bump or a bruise? It'll probably forgive you soon.

Googled diatoms and had a look as some pics. Diatoms look darker than what I have, though maybe I just have the early stages of it. My stuff is a yellow ochre colour rather than brown, and it's located in lower flow areas. It wipes off pretty easy too, especially if the rock is out of the tank. This is also a well established tank, with rock from tanks we've had for as long as three years. Will have a look at our RODI system to see if any filters need changing.

Hmm... Wonder if the wrasse did get bruised during valonia removal? However, his behaviour started after we took down the right side of the tank - the side he still inhabits with ease. I imagine, though, that if he were injured, he wouldn't be swimming all that well. Will keep a close eye on him for awhile.

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