problem solved. I finally got off my butt and built the PVC/egg crate rock support I was planning to build when I first got my tank. I rearranged all my rock to put it all on it, and I made sure I got the crab while I was at it. Here's are some pictures of him; I put a quarter next to him for scale. He's 'bout twice the size of my emerald crabs.
The whole endeavor was funny though. After I took my cinamon clowns' toadstool away from them, they've been extremely defensive and attack my hand on sight. They even go after my hand if it's just hovering above the water. Jump right out to bite it! My mom was chasing them off with my algae scrubber while I was rearranging the rock and looking for the crab (at the same time). They bit me a few times... "Ow! mom! you're supposed to be protecting me!" lol