Thought so
Yeah i bought a seaclone 100 for my 55 gallon im constanly adjusting it to keep it skimming good, Definitly dont wanna be dealing with that on the new tank
fluval 404
sea clone 100
48"corallife light fixture 2 65w 10k 2 65w atinic
100lbs live rock(3-4" argonite sand
1 purple sabae anenome, bright purple tips 8" diameter
1 white/rosey long tentacle,bright white tips 4" diam
1 Fuzzy dwarf lion
1 black/yellow clown
1 false percula
1 coral beauty
1 yellow eye kole tang (baby) getting moved to 90soon
1 cleaner wrasse
1 brittle star, 1 sea cucumber,1 banded coral shrimp