That's exactly it, you need a plan. You can't just use a treatment and expect the cyano never to return unless you change some aspect of your husbandry. Please note that I stress this in the origional as well as follow up posts.
I made some pretty big changes to my tank in combination to using a treatment and I think it was the SUM of all of these things that played a role in the cyano not returning. Going from 1500 GPH of flow up to 4500 GPH I'm sure has a very large part to do with it.
Currently, my PO4 and nitrates are testing 0. That's not to say that it won't ever come back but I can't see it happening (I'll be sure to let you guys know if it does) unless I do somthing drastic.
Please understand I'm not trying to argue either for or against using meds. Also, I am not trying to say that medecine A is better that medicine B for whatever reason. I'm not trying to "sell" you on anything because why would it matter to me?
All I'm saying here is that this is what I tried and this is what worked for me and I wanted to share my results, not start a debate or have to defend myself for making the choice that I did.
Rubber baby buggy bumpers
Last edited by Waxx; 02-22-2007 at 10:55 PM.