Originally Posted by Matt
It is hard for a lot of us right now it seems. Deb, you have my sympathy. I'm also a bit frustrated at the moment. A year ago, it was all about "so fun" and "so beautiful" and now it is all about "damn algae". We soldier on, and trust the best days are ahead, not behind.
Bev: Sounds like you've got a diatom issue (the brown slime). Good luck! If you're rearranging (removing and replacing) rock that often, is it possible you've given your wrasse a bump or a bruise? It'll probably forgive you soon.
That makes another one... I have been seriously contemplating shutting down my tank. The algae is non-stop and I can't keep up. I don't want to have to battle like this all the time. It seems if I spend 2 hours taking nothing but algae out of the tank, it's back ten times worse within a week. I'm doing everything right now, by the books.. and still...
It's extremely frustrating, and hell my tank is only 20g, so I can imagine the frustration with larger tanks. In the end, it's a love/hate thing... we love to see our reefs in their glory, looking amazing , and there's nothing you want to do but stare into your own slice of the ocean. Then there's the times when you avoid even looking at it because it's just a sight for sore eyes... ohhh the things that these glass boxes put us through.