I think that's unfairly harsh. We don't know how much time someone spends on their tanks and frankly it's not really anyone else's business anyhow. Besides I don't know anyone who cares more for her fish than Deb.
When problems compound one another it can seem insurmountable. It sounds like you haven't been overwhelmed yet and for that you can consider yourself lucky. You can take all the precautions, spend all the money, and still not avoid it one day, suddenly you're looking at 2-3 (or more) problems at once and you don't know where to start tackling things.
In that case a person might need a little support or encouragement ... not a simple one line answer that says what they're doing wrong.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!