Thread: Sump Design
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Old 02-22-2007, 04:26 PM
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Slick Fork Slick Fork is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Red Deer, Alberta
Posts: 631
Slick Fork is on a distinguished road

The tank is already drilled so I'm sort of stuck with the hole where it is, as it sits right now I have ~6.5 gallons worth of space over the baffles before it starts to drain.

I forgot to mention that this is a "breeder" style tank and the front pane is only about 14" tall, which again is a little inconvenient. Too bad it's all scratched up because it would make a great little reef tank! I also plan on moving about 300-400 GPH through it.

I like the idea of the bubble tower, I'll use that to increase the return pump area by about 3-4". I guess going that route wouldn't make the skimmer compartment any more turbulent would it?

I 've considered just plugging the hole and using more vertical space in there but I'm putting a calfo style overflow into the display tank (it's drilled in the top right corner) and if it fails I'll have about 15 gallons rushing out of the display and into the sump. That's enough to give me the a few gray-hairs!
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