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Old 02-22-2007, 01:38 PM
i have crabs's Avatar
i have crabs i have crabs is offline
Join Date: Nov 2005
Location: Airdrie
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i have crabs is on a distinguished road

aquaclear 110 carbon fits right in the chamber where the bio balls are, i took out half the bioballs and put in floss and a carbon on top of the bio balls and put a piece of floss on top of the tray above the bioballs to quiet it down a bit,and i also put a sponge in where the carbon cartridge was.
im concidering building 2 closed loops with some mj1200's and buying a inline heater so i can hide everything in the back,right now i have a seio820 and a ebojagger heater taking up valuable property
but what the heck do i know
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