Originally Posted by Beverly
Wow! Whether or not the fish was healthy is beside the point, in a manner of speaking. A paly that's large and capable enough to eat a firefish is amazing.
Its a big one.. the sun coral in the background is pretty good sized.. and this Paly is everybit as big. The 5 or 6 polyps of the origanal frag are huge.. brown with a bright almost neon throat and mouth. The newer polyps aren't as big yet, but they are still growing. This Paly has the strongest feeding reflex of anything in my tank. Last week we watched it eat a snail!
Kabong.. I did major research on firefish before I bought them and like many things in this hobby got tons of conflicting advice. The general consensius was that you could keep 1... or you could keep a large group together.. but not 2 or 3. I bought 8... 1 carpet surfed shortly after .. and the 7 have been happily co-habitating in one large rock ( no clue on how they al fit in such a little hole) for months now. Time will tell I guess. If they start to bicker.. most of them will go looking for new homes.