Lighting Question
Just wonder how much light is going to be enough for SPS in the new 90 gallon im setting up at the end of the month. It has a socket for 1 250MH im think im going to add another so it will have 2 250W proablly 14ks maybe 10ks
also has 2 65wregular floresent and 2 40w atinics. Will this be enough or should i think about changing the floresents over to VHO's was looking at a 110w VHO ballast that will do 4 bulbs now is that over kill?
MH ballast is proablly going to be a PFO 2x250 from J@L gonna get it all at the end of the month canopy has 2 fans so im hoping heat wont be to bad.
Lemme know what you think
Thanks Bruce Anderson
fluval 404
sea clone 100
48"corallife light fixture 2 65w 10k 2 65w atinic
100lbs live rock(3-4" argonite sand
1 purple sabae anenome, bright purple tips 8" diameter
1 white/rosey long tentacle,bright white tips 4" diam
1 Fuzzy dwarf lion
1 black/yellow clown
1 false percula
1 coral beauty
1 yellow eye kole tang (baby) getting moved to 90soon
1 cleaner wrasse
1 brittle star, 1 sea cucumber,1 banded coral shrimp