Originally Posted by Keana
This has been a super thread! Lots of great pictures. I am surprised at how many of us have bengal cats. Aren't they one of the best cats! I love my Jag. I make and sell healthy natural treats and food for a living... If anyone wants to know how to make some great treats from home just send me a pm and I'll share any ideas I have. If you have a some equipment like a dehydrator and a grinder you can make many great, healthy, natural treats that your furry friend will flip for.
I find my Bengals to be terrors 75% of the time they are awake. They are brother and sister from the same litter and a third Bengal I have had from the same parents. My female Bengal's name is Witch that was given to her by the breeder. The male cat is Kahn and he is just strange.
I find that if I don't leave enough food in their dish overnight they will tear open the garbage, open the fridge, and help themselves. They also open cupboards, tear open bags of oatmeal, and spread it all over the kitchen. Little bastards.
On the other end of the spectrum, they are very affectionate cats. Here is a pic of them at 2-3 weeks. The brown one is the female and I can't tell which one is the male in the litter.