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Old 02-14-2007, 12:16 PM
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findingnemo1 findingnemo1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Calgary Area
Posts: 273
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[quote=krisalexander;235728]By sea-veggies he means nori a.k.a seaweed. You can buy this at any store a money saving tip is dont buy it from an LFS by it from a asian supermarket. Just make sure it is not flavoured. And get a feeding clip or an elastic band around a rock and put in a quarter sheet or something and you are good to go. Where abouts are you from by the way?

Kris i am in Calgary. Need to add that apparently. Okay got the sea veggies thing. I have tried nori with this angel every kind and she still won't touch it. I put it up everyday but the tangs are the ones who eat it all.

Originally Posted by Reefer Rob View Post
Cyano is natural, and a part of all reef tanks. At some point (or points) it will "bloom" and become visible. You need to get your tank balanced with other organisms that out-compete it.

The first thing to do is reduce your photo period by 25% temporarily, then increase it slowly once the cyano has disappeared.

Carbon dosing of some type will help with the nitrates, but the root of the problem is overstocking of nitrate producing organisms (fish) relative to your tanks ability to process them. It's that simple IMO

I don't think your your nitrates have anything to do with the cyano, these are mysterious little beasties. I've had had no cyano at 20ppm, and tons of it with nitrates near 0, just because I changed something that caused an imbalance in my tank.
I will cut back my lights starting today. I have heard about the sugar dosing and have considered it but do want to do a little more research on that. And overstocking with major waste producing fish is an extreme possibility. Although the angel was the last fish i added and that was boxing day and i haven't had a problem untill the last couple days. In this tank i have a male blonde naso tang who eats non stop if i will let him, And a regal tang who is the same and the regal. Time for a 180 or 220. I thought i would have another few months but it appears the naso is getting a little to big already. Its hard to try and figure out if you have done anything different to cause it. And in alll honesty nothing different in the last couple months. So i guess i will just take the advice here and see cross my fingers that it works
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