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Old 02-14-2007, 05:08 AM
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Reefer Rob Reefer Rob is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Langley, BC
Posts: 997
Reefer Rob is on a distinguished road

Cyano is natural, and a part of all reef tanks. At some point (or points) it will "bloom" and become visible. You need to get your tank balanced with other organisms that out-compete it.

The first thing to do is reduce your photo period by 25% temporarily, then increase it slowly once the cyano has disappeared.

Carbon dosing of some type will help with the nitrates, but the root of the problem is overstocking of nitrate producing organisms (fish) relative to your tanks ability to process them. It's that simple IMO

I don't think your your nitrates have anything to do with the cyano, these are mysterious little beasties. I've had had no cyano at 20ppm, and tons of it with nitrates near 0, just because I changed something that caused an imbalance in my tank.
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