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Old 02-14-2007, 02:13 AM
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findingnemo1 findingnemo1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Calgary Area
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Thanks for the replies.

I have seen chemi clean but have heard mixed responses from it. I have 2 very large anemones in this tank and a really nice regal angel that i actually think caused thisBut it scares me that i am going to kill of this tank
When i got her i have been feeding more than usual just to keep her eating. Although i can slow down now as she eats pretty much anything.
The tank has been up a year and a bit now. My nitrates are my biggest issues but honestly they have never been below 20.

Lights are only about 3 months old and are on from 9.30am to 8.30 pm
I just can't seem to fight the nitrates. I am feeding 2 times a day. Once with peletts only the second with some mysis and brine. All is eaten as fast as i can put it in so there is no strays left over.
I guess i just need to keep sucking it out.
How often should i be doing a water change? I did 20 percent everyday for 3 days and it really didn't make a difference so it would be good to save a few bucks on the salt issue

Thanks again
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